воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

bad chord day piano

My wife was complaining about me trying to rotate in some things we normally donapos;t use. I am trying to cut back a little, and use what I normally discard or give to the food bank in Sanford when I drive all the way out there for an animal processing.

She was saying there was nothing for the little guy to drink since he canapos;t drink the sweet tea, or isnapos;t allowed much of it yet at least. Out came the dried milk and ovaltine, the kid loves it. Nothing to eat (she doesnapos;t cook much, since she works long, long days by choice) ... Crock pot is full to the brim of baked beans, and itapos;s a great chance to rotate in those frozen turkey dogs that we cased at the hunt club this year. I didnapos;t like them much, but I have about 60 of them, so my kid is going to be eating a lot of beanie weenie this week. Iapos;ll eat them in beans.

So Iapos;m cooking 5 lbs of baked beans with 10 mason jars standing by. I donapos;t know if water bath canning is good enough for baked beans, but they arenapos;t long term anyway, Iapos;m reusing lids anyway, So Iapos;ll put the jars in the fridge later. If any take a seal I may store them.

Normally, I use so little dried milk that I end up tossing it sometimes. Iapos;m going to change that. Iapos;m picky as hell about milk. I just mixed up a quart of the dried though, in addition to the chocolate milk for the kid ... And I dumped that qaurt into an existing half gallon of whole milk. I seriously couldnapos;t tell. I told my wife to pour me two small cups and put them on the counter, one of each. Identical little dixie cups, and I swear I could *not* tell the difference between the two. Never mind pick which one had no dried milk in it.

Big money saving tip there. Here is my new plan. Buy a gallon of whole milk, pour between a quart and a half gallon off into the "pure" container for coffee or other things that require full milkfat, and fill the rest of the original gallon with the mixed dried milk.

Iapos;ve also started buying strictly frozen juice concentrate and mixing it with double the recommended water. Itapos;s actually better IMO, and has dual benefits. Far, far cheaper than buying orange/apple/grape juice. Thatapos;s a big one. Also, and just as big IMO, itapos;s an easy way to be more "natural" in your diet. Since concentrate is frozen, it requires no additives or preservative. The companies use none to cut cost.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today among friends and family to celebrate the union in marriage of two of my dearest friends, Grant Edouard LeBlanc and Elizabeth Jane Briney.� It has been my great privilege to witness Grant and Elizabethapos;s love for each other from its very beginnings, and it has been with the greatest of joy, the same joy I know is within all of our hearts today, that I have seen that love bloom into the beautiful union before us.

Congratulations Grant and Liz.


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clie peg t665c

I am in the panera� i have eaten a sandwich with cheese and tomato and pesto.� i have eaten a soup with broccoli and cheddar.� i have dipped chips within the soup.� mischief managed.

does anyone want to help me out?� please respond if you know the answer to this question.� i forget who i have already asked and who i have not.� during a wedding, what song is supposed to be played while everyone BEFORE the bride is marching down the aisle?� (i am cuting out that i said they were "marching.")
i noticed, at keith and amyapos;s wedding, that it was just a seemingly randomly-chosen classical song.� i am concerned about what song i am going to play at my cousinapos;s wedding.� she was no help.� she seemed to assume i would know what to do.� i should just ax her point-blank what she wants me to play.� unless itapos;s that schubert wedding march?� not the "here comes the bride" song but the Other one, the one that goes "da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da."� (i laugh on myself again.)� because i thought that that one was supposed to be played AFTER they were married.� but maybe it is before the bride gets there?� i donapos;t want to screw up anyoneapos;s wedding.

to anyone who was wondering, i decided to dip into that drawer and avail myself of the supplies therein.� but i was thwarted.� he had not, in fact, left me a bud but only a light dusting like before.� i was deceived into thinking it was a nice big sticky piney bud because of the fact that it was in a plastic baguette.� so i took the tiny amount that was there and stuffed it into the tip of a cigarette and smoked it and could not detect it it any way.� it might as well have been nothing.� since then, i have made no move either toward pot or toward NA.� i remain.

have i talked about my rented violin much?� i want to talk about her.� sheapos;s a pietro bellini.� with precision pegs and BEAUTIFUL wood that changes from dark to light back to dark in a very very pretty grainy pattern on the front.� sheapos;s pretty fucking sweet.� in all honesty, i want to buy a new violin.� i wouldnapos;t buy the one i have rented.� there are a few small issues.� but overall, the E-tones are sweeeeeeeeeeet.� and the fingerboard is, i think, slightly less curved than mine?� like, more of a gradual arch?� this makes string crossing about thirty percent easier.� when i am playing back and forth between two strings, iapos;m all like "Wow� i did not make my usual mistakes" and itapos;s because this fingerboard is easier.�
i was afraid that if i rented one, i would like it better and would feel disloyal and then when i got mine back i woud have to try to hide my feelings of disappointment from it.� but i will not be disappointed to get mine back.� thereapos;s no place like home.� eventually though, down the road, i would love to own a pietro bellini.
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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

city of norcross business license


-------my good girl-friends------

had a good time having fun with them, just laugh at each other for all the stupid things we had done in the past. Catching up with the past. Cant imagine when we were young, we did those things�which i deem childish now.

damn fun. The outing was just a dinner at a apos;kopi tiamapos;, then went to a neighbourhood park with sunkist in our hand. Just sat there and talk a lot of things. Realized we all got older, no longer young boys and girls, had to face realities. Was quite sad that we had to leave though.

we left the place and�wonder when will we meet up again. Thinking�maybe organise a chalet or a bbq. Everyone of us just come�back and have fun.� :)�� ��

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

environmental postal service

Landon just called me. After all these years, its still something that makes me smile.
He had news this time:

He got deployment papers for Afghanistan.

He leaves in less than "2 weeks". Even if he knew exactly when he was leaving or where he was going, heapos;s not allowed to tell me. What a bunch of crap. :(

Itapos;s stupid how upset I am about it. Proud, but upset. This is something that I knew was inevitable. I mean, really why should he be any luckier than anyone else. And Iapos;ve had tons of friends go to Afghanistan or Iraq and come home just fine...but this is so different.

Plus, all I keep thinking about is his job. Photo/video journalist...... Itapos;s not like they want scenery shots. AND he was stationed at the training base in Germany. Gah :(

I hope they keep their word and let him come home after 30 days. Iapos;d hate for him to miss Christmas too.

I love you times a million baby brother
environmental postal service, environmental possibilism, environmental positions, environmental position roanoke.

среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

alternative treatment for liver cancer

My mom might be changing my phone number (yes, we are fortunate enough that my mother pays for our phones). She has five phones on her plan: hers, mine, Alexapos;s, Dayneapos;s old plan, and Tedapos;s. Dayne "lost" his phone when he was in Hawaii and bought an iPhone without informing Mom. She put Ted on her plan under the agreement that he would pay her for his phone. Hasnapos;t happened in two years.

So sheapos;s headed to Alltel to see which numbers have contracts on them, and if my number doesnapos;t have a contract, itapos;s getting cancelled. This isnapos;t a problem at all. I�completely understand that she canapos;t keep paying for everyoneapos;s phones. Iapos;m lucky that sheapos;s even letting us keep our phones. Iapos;m just a little sad because Iapos;ve had this number for seven years. :(

Anyway, todayapos;s slow. Iapos;ve gotta run to Albertsonapos;s and get a ring of sausage to make red beans and rice for lunch. Iapos;ve also gotta stick your box in the mail, Sammi. Iapos;ll do that after lunch.

I�think I�failed my math test last night. I�can has chocolate now? ;3;
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creativity fun packs

Iapos;m pretty much recovered. Well sort of errr to be frank my bodyapos;s still aching all over but I saw Vanessa this morning... Liek a walking zombie D: Several others still having fever and headache. I was able to joke around laughing with Ranch and stayed till 3am yesterday. Man... What a speedy recovery I have teehehehe was already eating super spicy curry just now XD *get shot* Uhmm still I should have go slow and easy with food before jumping to something thatapos;ll irritate my intestinal wall. My tummyapos;s kinda cramping right now ouuuu *dropped* Tu lah... Makan lagi... Makan lagi XD

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